may, 2015

07may6:30 pm9:00 pmProfessional Networking: Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs (Spain Tech Week 2015)


Event Details

Come, meet and interact with Successful Entrepreneurs, Top Executives and Corporate Professionals working in Silicon Valley. In a panel discussion, some entrepreneurs will share their stories as they inspire us with the power of their ideas and their passion to execute. All aspects of their experience will be discussed, including their rapid rise to success, learning to scale and the process for a successful path in the entrepreurial environment.

This annual event will be a meeting place open to partners, entrepreneurs, professionals, advisors aimed at fostering the power of interaction and collective sharing in the Silicon Valley community. Spain Startups based in the Valley are very welcome and highly encouraged to attend. This event is a unique opportunity of networking you won’t want to miss.


6:30 PM – Registration and networking
7:00 PM – Panel discussion Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs”


Steve HoffmanSteve Hoffman, Captain of Founders Space.

As the Captain of Founders Space, he has helped hundreds of startups scale their businesses, raise capital and go global. Founders Space is ranked as the #1 Accelerator for overseas startups coming to Silicon Valley by Forbes and a Top 10 Incubator by Inc. Magazine.



Javier Aguera ReneseJavier Aguera Renese, Chief Scientist at Blackphone

At the young age of 22, Javier has already participated in the creation of 6 start-up companies along his short but intense career as an innovator and entrepreneur.  His last initiative -Blackphone- pioneered mobile industry by creating the first smartphone aimed to protect the privacy of its users and was recently acquired by security multi-national Silent Circle.

Joaquin Ayuso de PaulJoaquin Ayuso de Paul, Founder and CEO of Kuapay Inc.

Joaquin has started a new company, Kuapay, Inc. with some of the engineers that helped their on the creation of in it early stages. Kuapay is a mobile payment system as none seen before.


Jose FloridoJose Florido, CEO and Co-founder of Wepoke

Jose is the co-founder and CEO of Wepoke, a web/mobile incubator and idea lab based in San Francisco, CA and Malaga, Spain. Previously, he helped create Ingress, Panoramio (sold to Google), Loquo (sold to eBay) and a long list of other digital products.


8:30 PM – Networking



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(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Fenwick & West LLP


California Spain Chamber of Commerce

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