november, 2015

19nov6:30 pm9:00 pmDecoding Silicon Valley


Event Details

Jovenes Professional Talks 2015 – 2016

Decoding Silicon Valley

When: Thursday, November 19th. From 6:30PM to 9:00PM.

Where: GSVLab, 425 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063.


michellee.messinaSAVE the DATE for our new session of Jovenes Professional Talks 2015, where Michelle E. Messina – CEO @Explora International LLC – will participate as speaker. Michelle is a serial entrepreneur and consultant, and trainer on the topics of innovation, business acceleration, market readiness, technology commercialization, entrepreneurship and leadership.

Our impressive speaker will be talking about Decoding Silicon Valley’s Best practices for entrepreneurs, governments, students and investors around the world:

  1. Helping startups find repeatable, scalable & sustainable business models;
  2. Catalyzing entrepreneurial ecosystems worldwide;
  3. Teaching startup portfolio management best practices to non-US investors;
  4. Designing insightful and innovative Silicon Valley Study Programs for students, government and business executives
Her experience is based on emerging markets, transitional economies and white space opportunities, working in several countries like Spain, France, Germany, and more. Also, Michelle listened to 1000’s of company pitches and coached many entrepreneurs with the interest in serving and supporting entrepreneurs, innovations ecosystmes, women entrepreneurs, foreign direct investmens (FDI), and economic development programs.


6:30 pm: Registration & Networking

7:00 pm: Speaker: Michelle E. Messina.

8:30 pm: Networking



About the Program


The California Chamber of Commerce is glad to launch a new program for young professionals and entrepreneurs, who are seeking for trainings, inspirational talks and networking!

This program will be based on monthly talks and conferences focused on:

  • Doing Business in SV: how to start your own business, incubation/acceleration programs, how to raise investments, pitch, and how to do networking.
  • Working in SV: how to orientate your job search, corporate programs for young professionals, and topics related to obtaining Visas.
  • Inspirational  and Tech Talks: Google, Internet and mobile companies experiences, success stories under 30, and topics such as trends, social media, innovation, big data, mobile, gaming and advertising.


Program Sponsored by

Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social






(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm




California Spain Chamber of Commerce

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